a fur wrapの例文
line wrap and word wrap
Line wrap and word wrap is off.

a wrap
A few more takes, and it's a wrap. A wrap pinstripe trench coat, cinched over lean taupe trousers. It is impossible to tie a wrap skirt with one hand. Oscars on the boulevard is far from a......

alpha wrap
Unlike the VR-660, it used only one video head on the scanner with a full alpha wrap.

angle of wrap
The wire turning roll has a considerable angle of wrap in order to grip the wire. One way to describe the effectiveness of the brake is as e ^ { \ mu \ theta }, where \ mu is the coefficie......

anxiety wrap
Dr . Donald Heagren, DVM, has cited the success one retail brand of pressure wrap, in regards to helping dogs deal with fireworks, while Dr . Shereen Farber, OTR, has similarly vouched for......

asia market wrap
Prior to Martin Soong's original departure from CNBC Asia, he was the programme's regular presenter ( the programme was billed as " Asia Market Wrap with Martin Soong " ). "Worldwide Excha......

auto tire wrap
Auto tire wrap

azimuth cable wrap
Azimuth cable wrap

beach wrap
Weeroona Island beach wraps around the western half of the 1 km wide island for 1.6 km, the eastern half being surrounded by mangroves. There probably would be no such thing as a sarong sk......

body wrap
A relaxing choice of spa treatments is the desert clay body wrap. The Stillwater Spa pampers guests and nonguests with massages and body wraps. Know what warms your heart faster than any a......

bottle wrap
There, on his right, two fellows were drinking wine out of a bottle wrapped in a paper bag, and he could hear soft gurgling in the dark. his stomach gave a low, gnawing growl . Bottles wra......

browse wrap
Verio relied on two previous Internet " browse wrap " cases as precedent. In the United States district court for the eastern district of Virginia, the court ruled that the terms of use sh......

bubble wrap
Visual horror usually comes sheathed in the fictive bubble wrap of movies. Maybe they should encase the US Olympic boxing team in bubble wrap. Bubble wrap clicked over at $ 3 a foot, or $ ......

bubble wrap appreciation day
Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day is celebrated on the last Monday of January. The last Monday of January was designated as Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day after a radio station in Bloomington, In......

bus wrap
A full bus wrap ( there are also partial wraps on backs and sides of buses ) costs about $ 9, 000. Heys International is also well known for its advertising across Canada on billboards, ma......

cable wrap
Carter is a racist redneck who visits the McKinley Speedway with his wife cross on fire on George's front lawn, a horse shoe hanging from the rear view mirror falls onto his tow truck's ge......

car wrap
ADDED PUNCH : The sides of the car wrap around like a metal burrito, creating a claustrophobic intensity. As if girding against road rage, the new show cars wrap themselves in bars and gri......

chicken snack wrap
An alternate version, " The Crispy Chicken Song ", was featured in Blige's ad for Burger King over which the she sings the praises of the Crispy Chicken Snack Wrap.

chicken wrap
But aren't we looking at a future of supermarket sushi and chicken wraps? Wrap pounded chicken around shrimp and skewer, making three shrimp / chicken wraps per skewer. This was discontinu......

click wrap
This licence is a royalty-free click wrap licence that grants implementers access to the intellectual property embedded in the DDEX standards. This contract variance makes sense : a differ......

cling wrap
Use hands to smooth cling wrap and create smooth designs underneath. Materials : Newsprint, water-based paints, spoons, cling wrap, muffin pan or paper cups. Carefully peel off the cling w......

coin wrap
In song dynasty , adults gave coins wrapped in red paper to children as a lunar new year gift to protect them from evil

column wrap
A single-story porch with Tuscan columns wraps around two sides of the house. An open porch supported by Doric columns wraps around to the sides of the house. A single-story porch with flu......

core wrap
Inner sheath : outside of wire core wraped natural butylbenzene rubber , its performance is accordant with gb7594 . 387

cork wrap
Rubber balls were still centuries away , so the ball was a wad of hair , wool , or cork wrapped in string and cloth or leather , then in later years , hand - stitched in felt to look somet......